1.Can I return my order after it’s been delivered to me?

Yes, we accept returns of our products within 7 days of receipt of purchase, in the event that the product is in the exact condition and packaging. Please look through our terms and conditions.

2.Can I exchange my order after it has been delivered to me?

Yes, we accept exchanges for products within 14 days of purchase in exact condition and packaging.
Please look through our terms and conditions.

3.I just placed an order on your website however I would like to change my order before it is delivered; is this possible?

Yes, we can update your order. Please note that this may impact the delivery date. To update your order, please send an email to our Customer Service Team. Click here for more information around our processing times.

1.I am having issues processing payment via the website, how can I resolve this (International)?

Our website accepts Apple Pay and American Express. You may complete your order using one of these payment methods. Alternatively, please contact us for further assistance.

2.I am having issues processing payment via the website, how can I resolve this (order within Nigeria)?

Please contact us for further assistance.

3. How do I confirm that my payment has been received?

You will receive a payment receipt via email. For local bank-to-bank transfers, please quote your order number for ease of tracking payments.

1.I would like to find out if you have a design or size available, how can I go about this?

Click here to view the designs and sizes we have available after which you can go ahead to place your order.


1.Do you offer customisation for sizing?

Yes, we offer customisation for sizing at no added cost. To request this service, please provide measurements for your Bust, Waist and Hips (in centimeters) in the ‘Order Notes’ box before you check out.

2. Besides sizing, do you offer any other customisations?

Yes, we offer length and sleeve customisation for select designs. To request this service, please provide your preferred Sleeve and or Length measurements in the ‘Order Notes’ box before you check out.


1.Can I place an express order?

For orders to be delivered within Lagos we offer same-day or next-day delivery, subject to availability.

We do not offer express shipping for orders outside Lagos and outside Nigeria. Click here for all relevant information regarding shipping and deliveries.

2.Do you offer international shipping? If yes, how long does it take to ship.

We ship worldwide using DHL Express. All our international orders are processed and shipped within 3 working days. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping notification which you can use to track your shipment.

Check terms and conditions for all relevant information regarding Shipping.

3.Do you deliver?

Yes, we process deliveries to our customers in different locations within the country. All orders are processed and dispatched within 3 working days. You will receive a notification once your order is dispatched.

Check terms and conditions for all relevant information regarding Shipping.

4.How much do I have to pay for shipping my international order?

Shipping costs vary depending on your location. Please proceed to the checkout page to confirm the exact cost of your shipment.

1.Do you have a physical store? If yes, what is your store address, can I have a phone number I can contact you on?

Yes we do. Our store is located at: 12 thomas laniyan street. Anthony village Lagos, Nigeria. You can speak with a customer care representative on:0701 001 0020


1.I would like to place an order but I am unsure of my size. How do I determine my exact size?

Check our size guide to determine your exact size.